Tuesday, 11 August 2015


I am not a writer and I never wanted to be one, I never thought of writing a blog before going to Kashmir, sharing my experiences with people like this, but may be the hospitality, love and warmth of the Kashmiris forced me to pick my pen up to write about the stories they ever wanted to tell the world. They hail from the most beautiful land known in the world, they are the most beautiful people themselves, they dont need to prove anything, they are the multitasking and multi talented people who are blessed with the extreme pictureperfect beauty of nature. 

Yes, things are somewhat tough there but it was not exactly as shown by the media channels and the corrupt politicians. I think I am very immature to write on such a bold subject, I was writing with the experiences what we have observed about Kashmir, their people, their warmth and affection of treating people. They welcome you with all their hands and hearts open. 

Its not like what we see here, the nature and some malicious people is not destroying them, its our thinking, its our perspective that ruin their ventures, its our fear of losing ourselves by going there seeing the myriad of problems on media which actually was not as big as shown by them. They know how to tackle the toughest challenges of their life, the clouds burst, the floods cant destroy their will, their power, their courage. The only way we can support them is by reducing our fear, by accepting faith and trust on their genuinity, even the nature wants it, thats why all the charming beauty lies there.

I must say if I got a chance I could spend my entire life there serving the nature. Some told me after coming back  that we met the right people that's why my entire trip goes well, but for me, the people are always good, its our perspective of seeing them that decides their behavior towards us. I am proud that KASHMIR is a shining crown of INDIA.

Still, I and my family were really thankful to all the people who made this trip success,  especially Mr. Shahid Bhat who treated us, cared for us like his own family, he did not said that only, he actually meant it. Had he not been there, Kashmir cant be such a wonderful experience for us. I have been there just for fun, enjoyment and relaxing holidays, I never thought that We'll make such good relations from the people out there that we'll never forget in our lives.

I made very good friends out of this trip, some memories that will always be cherished by us, I do not know when I am going to meet them again, but I would definitely love to trek the unexplored regions of Kashmir and its nearby area in future soon. With the beautiful memories, signing off from this blog from our mesmerising Jannat-e-Kashmir, please spare me for the pictures and my writing as an amateur photographer and writer tried her best to showcase the beauty of Kashmir, the heaven on earth which is just impossible to be captured in words or framed in pictures. 


  1. kashmir is a beautiful state with really beautiful people...:)

  2. great experience neha, it seems like I am also visiting Kashmir....willing to go..
